Custom Fields

Our Custom Fields allow you to add important data about candidates and search for them later

Mark Ferencvari
Written by Mark FerencvariLast update 8 months ago

Custom Fields are handy tools that allow company admins to add specific details to your candidate profiles, making it even easier to segment the best candidate and find the perfect fit for your future openings too.

What are Custom Fields?

Think of custom fields as extra boxes you can add to your candidate profiles. These boxes can capture specific information relevant to your company and hiring needs. There are two main types of custom fields:

  • Text: This is a free-form field where users can type in any kind of information, like "Company Name" or "Portfolio Link".

  • Select: This field provides a dropdown menu with pre-defined options. For example, an admin might create a "Type of Employee" field with options like "Full-Time," "Part-Time," or "Contract."

How Do Custom Fields Work?

Company admins will have the power to set up custom fields for the entire company. Once configured, these fields will appear in a new section between Application and Screener Questions on every candidate profile. This makes it easy for everyone in your company to view and edit the information within those fields.

Use Filters to resurface candidates with specific Custom Field records

Don't forget to use Filters in your Pipelines or Talent Pool page to look up candidates with the Custom Field inputs you provided.

How to set up Custom Fields?

Navigate to the Recruiting tab in your account settings and click on the Custom Fields side tab.

Click + Create New to start adding new Custom Fields.

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