How to track where your applicants applied from?

Track the source of your applicants

Mark Ferencvari
Written by Mark FerencvariLast update 2 years ago

The smartest way to track applicants' sources is to use a website-specific external link when you post your job outside of the Workwolf platform.

Before you share the Pipeline invitation link on the selected external website or job post, make sure you select the link that is intended to be used on a specific job board. Click on the pencil icon to specify the destination.

Then select from the options below:

  • linkedin

    If you are sharing the invitation link on a LinkedIn job post

  • indeed

    If you are sharing the invitation link on an Indeed job post

  • If you are sharing the invitation link somewhere else. Write the website name in the text field so we can identify the source later.

This way we will be able to add a tracking source at the end of the Pipeline Invitation link so we can track the source where the candidates applied from.

How to filter through sources?

In your Pipeline, you can use the 'Advanced Filter' feature to see the sources where your applicants came from and apply the filter to narrow them down.

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