My Workwolf career page

Publicly available list of all open positions and how to embed them to your corporate website

Mark Ferencvari
Written by Mark FerencvariLast update 7 months ago

Your Workwolf career page is listing all published (Free or Paid promotions) pipelines in one place and is discoverable to anyone on the internet. You can easily drive traffic to your unique link or you can embed this into your corporate website so your branding will be all around the job postings. When someone applies through your career page to a position, you will see them in the pipeline on the Workwolf platform.

How can I access my career page?

Go to your Dashboard and see the link under your company's name.

How to change my career website's link

Visit the Company tab in your Account Settings and click Edit under the description field. Add your unique name to the end of the link then click Save.

How can I embed my Workwolf career page into my corporate website career page?

  1. Visit your Workwolf career page from your Dashboard (see above).

  2. Click on the share icon on the top right corner then select 'Embed'.

  3. An instruction window will appear (similar to image below). Follow the instructions there to embed the provided code into your website's source code.
    NOTE: You might need to contact your webmaster or IT department to do this for you.

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