Verifications Page - all credential verifications and background checks in one place

Where to find and track the Verifications and Background Checks

Lucia Jimenez Martin
Written by Lucia Jimenez MartinLast update 1 year ago

Business users can now see and track all verifications they have ever purchased for their candidates in one place. This is an easy guide that will help you understand how it works.

Follow these easy steps to learn how to maximize the use of this page and to know what's included in each section:

1. Log in into your business user account and then click on the Verification page section

2. On the left side, you will see a list of candidates for those you have purchased verifications.

On the right side, you will see the status of those verifications. You can either see if it's completed or in progress.

3. To see the details of the verifications you have purchased for a candidate, simply click on the status. You can see the real-time status of each credentials and if you are waiting for an input from a candidate, you can easily send them a reminder.

4. By clicking on the candidate's name, you can visit their Digital Work Passport and request access to credentials that were not purchased by you.

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